The RECIPROCITY project involves the realization of participatory practice workshops, the staging of shows and formative meetings in the context of Short Theatre, one of the most important and prestigious festivals of contemporary theatre in Italy.
To promote a true social inclusion of disabled artists, Short Theatre promotes acccessibiity to venues and the content of the festival, as well as the presence of disabled artists in the palimpsest of the festival. It works to promote fully integrated work in terms of the dramaturgical and esthetic lines of the festival.
Specifically, in 2024 the project foresees 2 workshops; one Listening and Imagination (curated by Giuseppe Comuniello and Camilla Guarino in collaboration with the AI.Di.Qua Artists collective, which provides access to the deaf and blind, as well as people with other disabilities, via meetings, questionnaires and workshops in various Italian cities (Venice, Rome and Bologna) to investigate what imagination means to the blind); Alessandro Bosetti’s Palazzo della Memoria workshop for the blind, visually impaired and abled in collaboration with APS Sant’Alessio to collectively imagine and create a story made up of sound; and, finally, the project foresees the presentation of Bosetti’s sound performance/installation September 6-7, 2024, created with the materials gathered during the workshop, as well as a presentation of Monumentum DA by the deaf artist, Diana Anselm, a performance set up like a story amplifying and giving space to the intrinsic possibilities of sign language. This work is accessible to all and can be enjoyed by a hearing and deaf public.
Also in 2022 and 2023 the project involved participatory practice workshops for the deaf and/or blind to explore various contemporary artistic languages (held by Giuseppe Comuniello and Camilla Guarino, Marta Bellu and Laura Lucioli, Chiara Bersani, Leonardo Zaccone and Giuseppe Silvi), formative meetings for festival staff and round tables in collaboration with the AI.Di.Qua Artists collective and the staging of shows (by Muta Imago and Chiara Bersani) suited to a public with disabilities.