The daSud association intends to create a residential training model at the AP, the “Accademia Popolare dell’Antimafia e dei Diritti” (Popular Academy on Antimafia and Rights) aiming at the getting together and exchange among young artists and/or youths aspiring to work in the world of musical production and communication.
Since 2022, the Move on up project offers creative hip hop workshops (creative writing, vocal coaching, textual composition, harmonics, basic elements of fonia, digital production e djing) opening the process to other artistic languages such as theatre and literature, formal and informal presentation events in scholastic institutes and youth centres in the area, promotion and structuring of peer education activities on a monthly basis through a responsabilisation process of the more historical participants. The project also offers a network of new professional partners for every sector involved along with promoters who can disseminate musical production and offer concrete professional possibilities . As part of the Restart creative antimafia and rights festivals, daSud also organizes a special event composed of an entire day dedicated to creative language, young talent and comparisons between equals in the presence of artists of national renown.
In 2023, the project will work on two levels contemporaneously – schools and the Academy – in order to make participation available to everyone, with weekly scholastic artistic work in the 6 classes involved (120 hours total) and afternoon workshops (between 4 and 6 hours weekly, for a total of approximately 240 hours annually.
With AMI support, in 2020 daSud has offered youths professional, high-quality, interactive didactic experiences with the realization of 10 master-class lessons on the process of musical production (the P.A.M. project). In 2019, also with AMI support, daSud undertook the #makesomenoise project which involved alternative didactic artistic workshops starting with old vinyl records (audio-books dedicated to literature) which, through a process of re-elaboration and enrichment using electronic music, rap, prose and audiovisuals, have enabled the creation of musical E.Ps connected to a video that accompanies and guides the listener through the whole project.