The CivicoZero project was started in Rome in 2008 by Save the Children Italy to provide protection to the migrant youth that have found themselves in situations of social marginalization, to minors that are part of the juvenile justice system and minors risking exploitation and abuse.
From 2016 to 2018 AMI supported Save the Children Italia in the start-up and development of different artistic workshops: creative writing and narration, music, theater, photo/ video and expressive arts. The artistic-creative workshops provide minors a place to be themselves and express their own ideas in a language of their choosing, respecting reciprocal rights and obligations.
Since 2019, AMI supports the CivicoZero Cooperative itself in the realization of workshops of rap, percussions, theater and photo/ video. The direct support to the Cooperative aims to strengthen the CivicoZero Center on its path to autonomy and self-sustainability.
The project uses art as a way to provide the youth with a way to re-elaborate their personal experience and, particularly, the trauma that many of them have experienced. This experience of freedom and acknowledgement results in greater well being. By availing themselves of the instruments at their disposal, as photography, theatre and music, the minors can improve their comprehension and self-protection in order to prevent abuse, exploitation and violence.
Between 2016 and 2018, the project also supported the activities conducted at CivicoZero in Milan, opened by Save the Children in 2015.