XXV International Poetry Festival in Medellin, Colombia

Afiche25FIPM_2From 11 to 18 July, 2015, the XXV edition of the International Poetry Festival will be held in Medellín, Colombia, contemporaneously with the II Cumbre Mundial de Poesía por la Paz y la Reconciliación. This is a crucial year for the peace process in this country and the Festival aims to be a “symbol of civil resistance through poetry and art to the conflicts that threaten communities and children, who are caught in situations of extreme danger.” During the Festival various events will be held involving the beneficiaries of  Gulliver Project – children and adolescents who come from the violent and degraded outskirts of Medellín – such as poetry readings of their work for the public, and writing and poetry reading workshops run by international poets that have been invited to the outskirts to realize this project.

For more information on this project, click here.