This project was born of the great need of the MaTeMusik Band and Crew to play music again before a public.
MaTeMù is a Youth Centre that offers an Italian language school, a study hall with scholastic support, psychological help and an area dedicated to training and work as well as various artistic classes (music, theatre, hip hop). AMI supported the artistic activities at the CAG (see project) between 2013 and 2019.
The pandemic and subsequent lockdown made it difficult to involve the young beneficiaries in artistic activities: public activities are an integral part of the artistic and professional training provided by the MaTeMù.
As the country began re-opening, albeit in a limited fashion, venues for performances and concerts, the MaTeMusik Band and Crew, well known throughout the territory of Rome, began to receive numerous invitations to perform. Concerts have always been fundamental for the MaTeMù experience, contributing to the growth of the group, enhancing self-esteem and fostering motivation to attend classes, as well as the professional development garnered through the creation of events in collaboration with professionals in the entertainment world.
In these months the CIES has also created a CD and video that it hopes to disseminate via the more efficient, dedicated channels. This, along with the summer concerts, would enable the promotion of the work of the Band in a professional manner as well as spur crowdfunding activities in order to attract new potential supporters.