Publication of “The Theatre of Awakenings”
The Amici di Luca Association has published a book entitled “The Theatre of Awakenings, the practice of creative, curative and socially integrative theatre for post-coma patients.” This publication gathers the written theatrical experiences of the Luca De Nigris Casa dei Risvegli (literally the home of awakenings). Quoting Bergonzoni, who represents the Casa dei Risvegli, “the work done by the youth of the Gli Amici di Luca Company is re-actionary theatre, since they know how to change parameters of measurement, even those which are incalculable. They reacquire bodies, working via gestation, blossoming inch by inch, milestone by milestone, after exhausting effort. This is theatre prepared and trained by unnatural naturalness, by freeing themselves from their yokes, not coming up against walls but breaking them down, crumbling their resistance, soaring over them.”